健康學生戲劇大賽 2023-24 Healthy Student Drama Contest 2023-24 06 July 2024
創意思維襟章設計比賽2024 Odyssey of the Mind Pin Design Competition 2024 28 June 2024
香港物理奧林匹克 2024 Hong Kong Physics Olympiads 2024 19 May 2024
聖言物理奧林匹克 2023-24 Sing Yin Physics Olympiad 2023-24 15 May 2024
聖言物理奧林匹克 2023-24 Sing Yin Physics Olympiad 2023-24 15 May 2024
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2023 – 2024年度香港青少年數學精英選拔賽 The Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest 2023-2024 04 May 2024
第十三屆香港地理奧林匹克 13th Hong Kong Geography Olympiad 01 May 2024
善德基金會2024年香港華羅庚金杯少年數學邀請賽決賽 Hong Kong Hua Luo-geng Cup Mathematics Competition 2024 23 April 2024
2024全港校際模擬飛行挑戰賽 20 April 2024
第四十一屆香港數學競賽初賽 The 41st Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (Heat) 06 April 2024
中學校際足球比賽(第二組別) Inter-School Football Competition (Division2) 18 March 2024
理大科學青年人才比賽2024 PolyU Science Young Talents Competition 2024 16 March 2024
第四屆香港出類拔萃學生大賽 中學組 The 4th Hong Kong Outstanding Art Student Competition (Secondary School Section) 15 March 2024
2023年香港青少年柔道隊際錦標賽 Hong Kong Junior Judo Championships 2023 13 March 2024
中學校際田徑比賽(第二組別) Inter-School Athletics Competition 2023-2024 (Division2) 07 March 2024
香港學校戲劇節 2023/24 Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2023/24 04 March 2024
2023/24香港數學創意解難比賽(初賽) Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem Solving Competition for Secondary (Heat) 02 March 2024
香港警察柔道會邀請賽 Hong Kong Police Judo Club Invitational Tournament 2024 25 February 2024
《基本法》及一國兩制網上問答比賽 Online Quiz Competition on Basic Law and One Country, Two systems 24 February 2024