聖言中學頒獎典禮 2023 Sing Yin Secondary School Prize Giving Ceremony 2023
- Details
- Published: Friday, 08 December 2023 11:59
活動名稱 Event |
聖言中學頒獎典禮 2023 Sing Yin Secondary School Prize Giving Ceremony 2023 |
主辦機構 Organizer |
聖言中學 Sing Yin Secondary School |
日期 Date |
2023-12-08 |
地點 Venue |
學校禮堂 School Hall |
詳情 Description |
本年度頒獎典禮已於十二月八日假本校禮堂舉行。是次典禮有幸邀請家庭與學校合作事宜委員會主席方奕展先生擔任主禮嘉賓,其他嘉賓包括校監張神父、列位校董、黃校長、家長教師會主席、校友會主席、以及三位副校長。方先生致辭時感謝家長與教師對學生的幫助及支持,又寄寓聖言仔成為社會的棟樑。 是次典禮共頒發逾四百多個獎項。其中,黎偉傑先生獲得本年度傑出校友獎。黎校友為香港橋牌代表隊成員,於二零二三年杭州亞運會勇奪團體賽金牌。黎校友致辭時感激母校之悉心栽培,現在不時回校教授師弟們橋牌技藝。得到師兄的指導,中三的鍾凱程、蔡銘灝、許凱軒、馮正昊和郭源同學亦代表香港出戰,於第十八屆世界橋牌青年錦標賽榮獲第十名。 除此之外,本校學生於學術、音樂、體育等範圍均有優秀表現,例如中一的馬達華、陳顥峯、高子軒、關梓匡、吳熹成及蕭卓峰同學獲得聯合國可持續發展目標英文辯論比賽中一組冠軍;中六的陳彥銘同學在全國青少年信息學奧林匹克聯賽取得一等獎;管樂團、弦樂團均獲得聯校音樂大賽金獎;田徑隊獲得校際田徑比賽(第二組別)男子乙組4x400米接力冠軍;手球隊獲得校際手球比賽(第二組別)乙組冠軍。 為表揚於體育方面取得突破成績之同學,本校每年均會頒發最傑出運動員獎。本年初級組得獎者為中二吳昊豐同學,高級組為中五唐智毅同學。至於學術方面,中一吳嘉祺同學、中二張禮堯同學、中三阮卓峰同學、中四陳浩賢同學、中五張永約同學分別在各級取得全年總成績第一名。恭喜以上各得獎者。 獎項頒發完畢後,本校跳繩隊帶來精彩的表演。跳繩隊在今年分別獲得全港學界跳繩比賽冠軍及校際花式跳繩錦標賽冠軍。隊員們在台上展現出驚人的實力,接連做出數個花式動作,十足的功架引起台下不少的歡呼聲。 最後,嘉賓、來賓以及同學起立同唱校歌,頒獎典禮在朗朗的校歌聲中落幕。再次感謝各位來賓撥冗出席,亦恭喜所有得獎者。以上獎項未能盡錄,期望同學們能繼續發揮所長,不論是在校內還是校外都能獲得更多的佳績。 This year's Prize Giving Ceremony was held on December 8 in our school hall. Mr Eugene Fong Yick-jin, Chairman of the Committee on Home-School Co-operation, was invited to be the Guest of Honour of the Ceremony. Other guests included our school supervisor, Fr. Zhang, members of the Incorporated Management Committee of the school, Principal Wong, Chairman of the Parent-Teacher Association, Chairman of the Alumni Association, and the three Vice-Principals. In his speech, Mr. Fong thanked the parents and teachers for their help and support to the students, and conveyed the message that our students should become the pillars of society in the future. More than 400 awards were presented at the ceremony. Among them, Mr. Lai Wai Kit received the Outstanding Alumni Award. Mr. Lai is a member of the Hong Kong Bridge Team and won the gold medal in the team competition at the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games. In his speech, Mr. Lai expressed his gratitude to his alma mater for its nurturing, and now he comes back to the school from time to time to teach Sing Yin boys the techniques of the bridge. Under the guidance of Mr Lai, Form 3 students Chung Henderson, Cai Ming Ho, Hui Hoi Hin, Fung Ching Ho and Kwok Yuen represented Hong Kong and won 10th place in the 18th World Bridge Youth Championships. In addition, our students had outstanding performance in academic, music and sports domains, for example, Form 1 students Anane Mawutor David, Chan Ho Fung, Ko Shuan, Kwan Tsz Hong, Ng Hei Shing and Siu Cheuk Fung won the Champion in the Secondary EMI Form 1 Division in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Debating Competition. Form 6 student Chan Yin Ming won the First-class Honours in the National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces. The Brass Band and String Band also won the Gold Award in the Joint School Music Competition; The Athletics Team won the Champion in the Boys B grade 4x400M Relay in Inter-School Athletics Competition (Division 2); and the Handball Team won the Champion in B Grade in the Inter-School Handball Competition (Division 2). In order to honour our students who have achieved outstanding results in sports, we present the Most Outstanding Athlete Award every year. This year's winners were Ng Ho Fung from Form 2 and Tong Chi Ngai from Form 5. Academically, Ng Ka Ki from Form 1, Cheung Lai Yiu from Form 2, Yuen Cheuk Fung from Form 3, Chan Ho Yin from Form 4 and Cheung Wing Yeuk from Form 5 achieved first place in their respective forms. Congratulations to the above winners. After the presentation of awards, our Rope Skipping Team gave a brilliant performance. The team won the Champion in the All Hong Kong Inter-School Rope Skipping Competition and the Champion in the Inter-school Rope Skipping Championship. The team members showed their amazing skills on the stage and performed numerous tricks one after another, which aroused much cheers from the audience. At the end of the ceremony, the guests and students rose and sang the school song together, and the ceremony came to an end with the sound of the school song. Once again, we would like to thank all the guests for attending the ceremony and congratulate all the winners. The above awards are not exhaustive. We hope that our students will continue to make the best of their talents, both inside and outside the school. |
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