聖言中學水運會 2023-2024 Sing Yin Secondary School Swimming Gala 2023-2024
- Details
- Published: Tuesday, 17 October 2023 10:17
活動名稱 Event |
水運會 Swimming Gala |
主辦機構 Organizer |
聖言中學 SYSS |
日期 Date |
2023-10-17 |
地點 Venue |
觀塘游泳池 Kwun Tong Swimming Pool |
詳情 Description |
本年度聖言水運會已於10月17日在觀塘游泳池順利舉行。 四社的運動健兒在比賽場上各展所長,除了各項泳式比賽及師生接力等項目外,是日亦舉行了最受關注的社際接力賽。最終,甲組的社際接力冠軍由綠社奪得,乙組以及丙組的冠軍則由藍社奪得。在社際接力賽進行得如火如荼時,看台上四社的啦啦隊亦不忘為自己所屬的社打氣。經過一眾老師評審後,黃社繼陸運會之後再次取得啦啦隊冠軍的寶座。至於甲、乙、丙組的個人全場總冠軍分別由6B潘顯聲、2A霍霜雩以及 2E陳泓靖奪得,他們三位都是綠社社員,眾望所歸,全場總冠軍當然由綠社奪得。 是次陸運會展現了聖言仔不屈不撓、勇於拼搏的體育精神,亦可見各社的師兄師弟上下一心。恭喜所有得獎同學及社,亦感謝老師和工作人員為水運會作出莫大貢獻。期待同學明年能於水運會上再次揮灑熱血,勇奪佳績! The Sing Yin Swimming Gala of this year was successfully held on October 17th at the Kwun Tong Swimming Pool. The athletes of the four houses showcased their best talents in numerous competitions. Apart from the various swimming races and teacher-student relays, the widely anticipated inter-house relays were also held during the day. In the end, Green House came first in the A-Grade inter-house relay race, along with Blue House taking the champion in the B-Grade and C-Grade races. As the inter-house relay race was heating up, the cheerleading teams of the four houses also cheered passionately for their respective house on the grandstand. After the teachers' evaluation, Yellow House had once again secured the championship in the cheerleading competition since Sports Day. As for the individual overall champions in A-grade, B-grade, and C-grade, they were taken by 6B Pan Xian Sheng, 2A Huo Shuang Yu, and 2E Chen Hong Jing respectively, all of whom are Green House members. As anticipated, the overall champion of this event was secured by Green House. This Swimming Gala demonstrated the tenacious and unwavering sportsmanship of Sing Yin students. It also showcased the unity between the students of each house. We would like to congratulate all award-winning students and houses, and also thank for the tremendous contributions made by the teachers and staff in the Swimming Gala. We are looking forward to seeing students showcase their passion and achieve good results again at next year's Swimming Gala! |
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